Car Wrap Installation

Frequently Asked Questions about how to vinyl wrap cars. CWS www.carwrapsupplier.com

How long does it take to wrap my car?

Installation times vary according to the size of the car and complexity of the project. A vehicle with a lot of complex curves take a lot longer to do. When done by professionals, you are looking at 2 to 3 days that includes the wrapping and a rest period for the film (12 hours).

For DIY guys who do it alone or with little help, give it 2-3 full days to do the job.
If done by 2 people it can be done in 1.5-2 days depending on the size and difficulty of the vehicle.

Due to the nature of the adhesive of the vinyl and the complex curves to which it’s applied, there is a 12 to 24 hour “rest period” after the application to allow the film to fully adhere to the vehicle. In this rest period it is best not to drive the car as the wind pressure may peel back the vinyl before it can fully set. So, add this extra time to your installation time-frame.

How much vinyl do I need to fully wrap my car?

The best way to calculate how much vinyl your vehicle needs is by this simple formula below:
length of your vehicle x 3 (for the two sides & the top of the vehicle from front to back)
+ extra for bumpers and mistakes (1.5m to 3m depending on complexity of car and your skill level)
2016 Audi A4 (B9): (4,726mm x 3) + 3m = 14.19m + 3m = 17.19m
the closest roll size is a so purchase a 1.52m x 16.76m or a 1.52m x 18.28m roll

♦ Small size cars can be fully wrapped with 15.24m to 16.76m of vinyl.
example of vehicle sizes:
Audi A3 & A4, BMW 2 & 3 series, Mitsubishi Lancer, Subaru Impreza, VW Golf & Beetle & Jetta, Hyundai Elantra, Nissan Sentra, Mercedes C-class

♦ Midsize cars can be fully wrapped with 18.3m to 19.81m of vinyl.
examples of vehicles:
Audi A5 & A6, BMW 5 series, Mercedes E-class, Hyundai Sonata, Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, VW Passat & CC, Nissan Maxima/Altima, Ford Mustang, Corvette, Chevrolet Camaro

♦ Full-size cars; small SUVs, small trucks & small vans need 19.81 to 22.86m of vinyl
examples of vehicle sizes:
Audi A7 & A8, BMW 7 series, Mercedes S class,

♦ Full-size SUVs, trucks & minivans 22.86m to 30m of vinyl
examples of vehicle sizes:
Mercedes GLS, Suburban, Escalade, Land Rover, Cayenne, Hummer, H2, Voyager, Town & Country, Sienna, Routan

How to use WrapCut knifeless tape

WrapCut® Application Process

Step One

WrapCut Step 1
Apply WrapCut to the surface with the filament (tape edge) positioned on the desired trim line. Leave about 4 inches of tape exposed beyond the edge of the film so that the cutting filament can be located. Press both the film and tape down firmly to the surface.

Step Two
WrapCut Step 2
To create a pull tab, use a cutting tool to make a cut or incision in the tape approximately 1 to 2 inches from the end of the tape. Do not cut through the filament.

Step Three
WrapCut Step 3
Placing a finger on the tape where the cut was made, tug the end piece of tape, freeing the end piece of the tape to create a pull tab.

Step Four
WrapCut Step 4
Using the pull tab, pull the bare filament free from the tape and then in the direction of the vinyl right up to the edge where the cutting will begin.

Step Five
WrapCut Step 5
While pressing the film down at the edge where the filament enters, give the filament a quick tug to begin cutting through the vinyl.

Step Six
WrapCut Step 6
Continue pulling the filament with a steady motion along the edge of the tape and at a 45 degree angle towards the direction of the trim line.

Step Seven
WrapCut Step 7
This picture shows half of the tape being removed simultaneously with the film. When the cut is made, the filament cuts the tape into two as well. Under each side of the cut under the two vinyl pieces.

Step Eight
WrapCut Step 8
This picture shows the removal of the other half of the tape from underneath the cut vinyl. Make sure you remove this one too as it will cause premature failure of the wrap if left under the vinyl. WrapCut tape is strong, allowing for easy removal from beneath the film without damaging the film’s edge.

How to wrap a car in Chrome vinyl

Follow this link to the article that breaks down the steps necessary from beginning to end to wrap a vehicle in Vvivid Chrome and achieving the highest standard car wrap.

Important Facts!

Installation of chrome is not recommended for beginners!

  • Even at a professional, expert level, chrome wraps are very difficult and installers make mistakes during install.
  • Make sure you get plenty of extra material when purchasing material for your vehicle.

Chrome vinyl films behave differently and are more sensitive than regular gloss or matte wrap films!

  • Chrome vinyl films stretch less than other vinyl styles. If you over-stretch the film, it will “haze-over” thus becoming more of a matte whitish finish, destroying the chrome effect.
  • Chrome finishes can easily burn/melt and haze-over from the same heat that you would use for gloss or matte films. Use lower, slow heat. Don’t use a torch, only heat gun!
  • Chrome finishes scratch easier and their lifetime (before the color start to fade) is about half of that of gloss and matte films.
How to wrap a car with vinyl

Follow this link to the article that breaks down the steps necessary from beginning to end to fully wrap a vehicle with car wrap vinyl film.

This is the method to install our Pro-XPO and Premium Plus Vvivid vinyls. The basics are the same for all vinyl from different manufacturers, but this guide is especially written for Vvivid vinyl wrap films. It is geared towards Gloss, Matte, Carbon Fiber, Brushed and similar finishes. For chrome vinyl wraps please see this article: How to wrap a car in Chrome vinyl

The article breaks the process down into these 4 parts:

  1. PART ONE: tools, application environment & storage
  2. PART TWO: pre-wrap preparation, cleaning
  3. PART THREE: application, wrapping the car with vinyl
  4. PART FOUR: detailing, corners, edges, post-heating & finishing details
Things to look out for before wrapping your car

#1. Paint of your vehicle

Make sure you know or find-out about whether you car has original OEM paint on it or if it was repainted. If the paint is very old, damaged or has been fixed (patched) there is a chance that the vinyl will pull the clear-coat and/or paint off when removed. If the car was repainted with low quality, inexpensive method the chances are higher that the paint will be pulled off when removing vinyl, especially if removed incorrectly.

You can avert these problems by making sure you follow the vinyl removal technique as explained in our install guide. This technique will greatly reduce the chance of damaging the paint but is still not guaranteed by the vinyl manufacturer.

CWS nor any vinyl manufacturer will guarantee against paint damage as it is due to factors unrelated to the vinyl, glue of the film or any other aspects of manufacturing vinyl wraps or selling films to you.

#2. Defects, damage, stone chips, scratches on paint

Vinyl can only hide surface scratches and very small rock chips as it is fairly thin and acts like a “skin” on top of your vehicle. The style of car wrap and the color also effect how it hides or shows defects. Vinyl wraps that have a pattern will hide things the best way. These would be 3D Carbon Fiber, TrueR 4D Carbon Fiber, TechArt 5D Carbon Fiber, Brushed Aluminum, Gloss Metallic Sparkle, Snake Skin and Wood Grain vinyl wraps. Matte and Satin styles will show the most. Darker colors and white will hide the best.

Make sure that you also clean off dried/caked on dirt from the car. Sometimes it is hard to see until you put the vinyl on and it protrudes like a bump from under the film. Before vinyl wrapping a section of your car, drag your hand across it to feel for any protrusions that you will have to get rid of for a nice unblemished finish. We recommend clay barring for the smoothest best surface preparation.

#3 Rust

Rust that has eaten through the paint has to be fixed first, as the vinyl wrap will not stick to rust. It is also recommended to fix any rusted areas that are bubbling up under the paint, because it will look the same once the car is wrapped with vinyl film and won’t stop it from continuing to rust. Rust will continue to spread and eat away at your car if it is not gotten rid of, whether you wrap it in vinyl or not.
When rusted areas are patched it is best to add a layer of paint or clear coat as the vinyl will stick to it better than to filler or primer. Wait at least a few days (best to wait a week) for the paint to off-gas, to avoid bubbling of the vinyl from the off-gasing of the freshly painted surface.

Once your car is wrapped in vinyl and you have no rust under it, it will keep it safe from surface rust and stone chips, scratches that could cause rusting from the outside.

What are the benefits of a car vinyl wrap?


  • Vinyl car wraps protect your OEM paint and are 100% removable.
  • Adds to the resell value of your car. When you remove it, your paint is in the same condition as on the day it was wrapped. Thus adding to the resale value by having flawless paint on your car. A repainted car normally decreases the value of your vehicle due to concerns over possible previous accident(s).
  • You can restore the car to it’s original color by removing the wrap.
  • Warranties and/or lease agreements remain valid. Painting can void warranties and is not a lease option.
  • Cost for a vinyl vehicle wrap is considerably less (nearly half) than a comparable paint job.
  • Many of the styles can not be reproduced by paint.
  • Vinyl car wraps wear as well as, or better than paint – when properly cared for. Think of it like a skin for your laptop or a silicon cover for your phone.  The vinyl can take a beating protecting the vehicle’s paint underneath.
  • Vinyl car wraps come in many colors and can have a matte, semi-gloss, gloss, brushed steel, carbon fiber, matte metallic, chrome and even leather-like finishes.
  • Expensive, color-matching paint fees are unnecessary for scratches or accident vehicles; just re-wrap the section that needs repair.
  • It’s difficult to tell it’s not paint.
  • You don’t have to wrap your entire car;  you can just do your hood, roof, mirrors, stripes, etc.
  • Matte-paint jobs can be brittle and chip easily, while vinyls are more durable and harder to scratch. In the event that repairs are needed, the part that was damaged can be easily replaced, providing a perfect match.
  • Hides scratches, small chips and “freshens” the look of your vehicle.
What does vinyl film stick to?

What can you wrap?
Simply, anything the vinyl will stick to, both exterior and interior as well as marine and architectural applications.
This can actually be a tricky question that sometimes only answered when tried out… having said that we can confidently say that our vinyl films will stick to any painted surface on a vehicle and most smooth non-porous materials (bare metal, plastic, etc.). It will not stick to some interior vehicle surfaces, such as rubber (soft or hard), leather, and some other non-painted, ribbed or in other ways non-smooth plastics. The best thing is if you are not sure to order some sample swatches for $5 or large samples for $26 and try to stick it to your target surface to see how well it holds. If it doesn’t hold at all, you can’t wrap it, but even if it holds lightly, install it and squeegee it over the surface then wait at least 12 hours then see how well it holds. The glue needs at least 12 hours to set itself to it’s full grip (tack). You can hasten the setting of the glue by heating the vinyl.

Wrapping interior of car with vinyl film?

You can vinyl wrap the interior of your car with our amazing styles and colors. It is only possible to wrap parts that are not covered in fabric an/or leather materials. Usually the areas that you can cover are the dashboard (instrument panel & glove box), console, center console & doors (areas that are hard plastic or wood).
The architectural vinyl wraps; wood grain, leather, snake skin and velvet films are ideal for that extra touch to make your interior look exquisite. Carbon Fiber vinyl films are also very popular and makes the interior look sporty.

Viny Wrap Care

Frequently Asked Questions about cleaning and maintaining vinyl wrap vinyl films. CWS www.carwrapsupplier.com

Caring for Vinyl Films

You would want to care for your vinyl wrap on the vehicle the same way as for your car paint.
Hand washing is always the best and safest choice!
Only touchless car washes are recommended. Car washes that have the rotating brushes may lift and remove the vinyl!
For best cleaning and maintaining of the finish as well as protecting against fading we recommend using our wrap care products.

Hand Washing Vehicle Wraps

1. Flush the wrap with water to remove loose dirt particles.
2. Use a mild liquid detergent and water mix to wash the wrap with a soft brush,
sponge or rag.

  • wash going from top to bottom
  • only scrub if absolutely necessary
  • after applying the cleaning solution, keep a steady stream of water flowing on the
    wrap to wash away dirt particles

3. Rinse the entire vinyl wrap thoroughly with clean water.
4. Dry with rags or for Gloss vinyl wraps it may not be necessary.

How do I take care of my wrapped vehicle?

Try to wash your wrapped car regularly preferably by hand, just like you would a nice paint job.
We have a line of care products for washing, maintaining & protecting your car wrap vinyl here.

Hand Wash – Wash whenever the car appears dirty. Contaminants allowed to remain on the vehicle wrap may be more difficult to remove during cleaning.

  • Rinse off as much dirt and grit as possible with a spray of water.
  • Use a wet, non-abrasive detergent such and a soft, clean cloth or sponge.
  • Rinse thoroughly with clean water. To reduce water spotting, immediately use a silicone squeegee to remove water and finish with a clean microfiber cloth.

Automated Car Washes – Use touchless car washes (car wash using water jets only without brushes) if you don’t have time for a hand-wash. Brush-type car washes are not recommended as they can scratch the film, cause edges to lift or chip, and dull the film’s appearance.

Pressure Washing – Although hand washing is the preferred cleaning method, pressure washing may be used under these conditions.

  • Ensure the water pressure is kept below 2000 psi (14 MPa).
  • Keep water temperature below 80°C (180°F).
  • Use a spray nozzle with a 40 degree wide angle spray pattern.
  • Keep the nozzle at least 1 foot (300 mm) away from and perpendicular  (at 90 degrees) to the graphic.
  • Important Note! Holding the nozzle of a pressure washer at an angle to the graphic may lift the edges of the film.

Difficult Contaminants – Soften difficult contaminants such as bug splatter, bird droppings, tree sap and similar contaminants by soaking them for several minutes with very hot, soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Spot clean the contaminants. Do not use rough scrubbing, dirty or abrasive tools, which will scratch the film. Wash and rinse off all residue immediately.

Fuel Spills – Wipe off immediately to avoid degrading the vinyl and adhesive. Then wash, rinse and dry as soon as possible.

Film Restoration – The following restoration recommendations will help keep your vehicle wraps looking their best.

  • Avoid automated car washes when possible
  • Do not use any abrasive polishes or cutting compounds
  • Do not use any polishing or wax products on matte or textured films
  • If there is wax or wax residue on the surface, remove with an all-purpose cleaner
  • Before using cleaning products, always test and approve in an inconspicuous area
Power Washing Vinyl Wrapped Vehicles

Power washing, or pressure washing, may be used. However, aggressive washing can damage the vinyl.
Excessive pressure during power washing can damage the vinyl by forcing water underneath the film.
Water lessens the adhesion of the vinyl to the vehicle allowing the film to lift or curl.
These problems are magnified by wind.
To avoid edge lifting or other damage to the vinyl film, follow these important steps:

  • Use a spray nozzle with a 40 degree wide spray pattern.
  • Be sure the spray nozzle includes a nozzle protector (tip guard).
  • Use a maximum pressure of 1500 to 2000 psi.
  • If the system is heated, limit the water temperature to 180°F (82°C) or less.
  • Hold nozzle at least 12 inches (300 mm) away from and perpendicular (90 degrees +/- 10) to the vinyl.
  • Do not direct the water stream at a sharp angle to the edge of the vinyl

Vinyl Wrap Film

Frequently Asked Questions about vinyl wraps. CWS www.carwrapsupplier.com

How long does the vinyl wrap films last?

This is a tricky question, because there are a lot of factors especially once it is installed.
The vinyl films themselves will last anywhere from 3 to 7 years depending on the environment. Generally the stronger the sun and the more your car is outside under the sun the less the vinyl will keep it’s color brightness and may start to fail or crack sooner. If you live in Southern United States like California, Florida, Texas, etc. your vinyl film will last about 20-30% less due to the strength of the sun. This is true for all vinyl films no matter of the manufacturer. This is also true for paint. Colors that have a high content of red pigment will last the least as red pigments fade the quickest from all colors. These colors are Red, Purple, Yellow, Pink, Copper.
The other determining factor is the quality of the installation. Good installations will elongate the wrap look and feel and won’t fail by curling or peeling back.
Style durability in years:
Matte, Gloss, Liquid Metal, Metallic Sparkle, 3D Carbon Fiber, TrueR Carbon Fiber, TechArt Carbon Fiber, Brushed, Camouflage, Candy Diamond, Snake Skin, Wood Grain, Paint Protection Film: 5-7 years
Supercast & Holographic Chromes: 3-5 years
fading occurs faster the closer you are to the equator (the more south you are)
Satin Chrome: 4-6 years
Standard Chrome: 1-3 years
no UV protection on this film
Headlight Tint: 3-5 years

Is a wrap permanent?

No, the vinyl films we sell have a non-permanent adhesive that makes the vinyl wrap removable.
A wrap typically last for 3-7 years depending on the style of material used, conditions in which the car is driven, how much it is driven and where it’s stored; the amount & strength of sun it gets. The vinyl wrap film can be removed without damaging the paint, returning the car to its original color and condition. You may get some glue residue after removal, but that can easily be removed with a glue remover (rubbing alcohol) or simply rubbing it off with your finger. Normally a vinyl wrap should be removed after 7 years as it can may damage the clear-coat and even the paint if left on for longer.

Premium Plus vinyl film characteristics

Premium professional grade high quality Canadian made Vvivid+ vinyl wrap from CWS. The product may be used on straight, curved & complex shaped surfaces as it is a durable film ideal for vehicle and marine wraps, long-term fleet and motorsport marketing applications, and provides a lightweight, economical alternative to paint.
Premium Plus features a new formula from VViViD Canada that enhances both material and installation.
New material formula adds extra conformability and reliability. Enhanced adhesive makes installation and removal a breeze!
Added scratch protection and enhanced gloss finish makes this a product you have to try!
Styles/Textures: Matte; Matte Metallic, Gloss; Carbon Fiber; Chrome; Satin Chrome; Holographic Chrome; Leather.
Durability: 3-7 years depending on style.
Features: VViViD Natural Air release, Centerpoint Technology, VViViD Heat fuse, VViViD Resist.

Thickness: 3.4 to 4.5 mils depending on style.
Areas of use: Exterior & interior applications. Car wraps, boat wraps, vehicle wraps, marine, architectural, kitchen cabinet wraps, furniture, walls, etc.
Adhesive: Air-release, repositionable, slideable, heat & time activated.
Application Method: Dry only.
Conformability: Very High to High
Skill level needed to install: Low to High, depending on style.

What are the benefits of a car vinyl wrap?


  • Vinyl car wraps protect your OEM paint and are 100% removable.
  • Adds to the resell value of your car. When you remove it, your paint is in the same condition as on the day it was wrapped. Thus adding to the resale value by having flawless paint on your car. A repainted car normally decreases the value of your vehicle due to concerns over possible previous accident(s).
  • You can restore the car to it’s original color by removing the wrap.
  • Warranties and/or lease agreements remain valid. Painting can void warranties and is not a lease option.
  • Cost for a vinyl vehicle wrap is considerably less (nearly half) than a comparable paint job.
  • Many of the styles can not be reproduced by paint.
  • Vinyl car wraps wear as well as, or better than paint – when properly cared for. Think of it like a skin for your laptop or a silicon cover for your phone.  The vinyl can take a beating protecting the vehicle’s paint underneath.
  • Vinyl car wraps come in many colors and can have a matte, semi-gloss, gloss, brushed steel, carbon fiber, matte metallic, chrome and even leather-like finishes.
  • Expensive, color-matching paint fees are unnecessary for scratches or accident vehicles; just re-wrap the section that needs repair.
  • It’s difficult to tell it’s not paint.
  • You don’t have to wrap your entire car;  you can just do your hood, roof, mirrors, stripes, etc.
  • Matte-paint jobs can be brittle and chip easily, while vinyls are more durable and harder to scratch. In the event that repairs are needed, the part that was damaged can be easily replaced, providing a perfect match.
  • Hides scratches, small chips and “freshens” the look of your vehicle.
What does vinyl film stick to?

What can you wrap?
Simply, anything the vinyl will stick to, both exterior and interior as well as marine and architectural applications.
This can actually be a tricky question that sometimes only answered when tried out… having said that we can confidently say that our vinyl films will stick to any painted surface on a vehicle and most smooth non-porous materials (bare metal, plastic, etc.). It will not stick to some interior vehicle surfaces, such as rubber (soft or hard), leather, and some other non-painted, ribbed or in other ways non-smooth plastics. The best thing is if you are not sure to order some sample swatches for $5 or large samples for $26 and try to stick it to your target surface to see how well it holds. If it doesn’t hold at all, you can’t wrap it, but even if it holds lightly, install it and squeegee it over the surface then wait at least 12 hours then see how well it holds. The glue needs at least 12 hours to set itself to it’s full grip (tack). You can hasten the setting of the glue by heating the vinyl.

XPO vinyl film characteristics

Professional grade high quality Canadian made Vvivid XPO vinyl wrap from CWS. The product may be used on straight, curved & complex shaped surfaces as it is a durable film ideal for vehicle and marine wraps, long-term fleet and motorsport marketing applications, and provides a lightweight, economical alternative to paint. Also great for architectural applications indoor and out.

Thickness: 3.4 to 4.7 mils depending on style.
Styles/Textures: Matte; Gloss; Metallic Gloss (Liquid Metal); Carbon Fiber with a Matte Finish (Dry series), Gloss finish (TrueR series), High gloss ( TechArt series); Brushed Aluminum; Camouflage; Pearl; Glow In The Dark; Chrome; Snake Skin; Velvet/Suede.
Features: VViViD Natural Air release, Centerpoint Technology, VViViD Heat fuse, VViViD Resist.
Areas of use: Exterior & interior applications. Car wraps, boat wraps, vehicle wraps, marine, architectural, kitchen cabinet wraps, furniture, walls, etc.
Adhesive: Air-release, repositionable, slideable, heat & time activated.
Application Method: Dry only.
Conformability: Very High to High.
Skill level needed to install: Low to Medium, depending on style.